Mangueira        carnaval    













Image: Mangueia Samba School
If you ask any Brazilian what is the most important event happening this week, the last thing that will be on their minds is the Winter Olympic Games.This week of February, while all Canadians have their eyes fixed on Vancouver, cheering for their athletes and celebrating their gold medals, Brazilians are commemorating something entirely different but just as vibrant: its world-known Carnaval.
Carnaval is Brazil’s most famous annual party which takes place in February, 40 days before Easter to be precise. It consists of non-stop celebrations and festivities for one entire week in which people dress-up in costumes, dance, sing, and party in the streets. Each region has its unique way and style of celebrating Carnaval: Sao Paulo and Rio have beautiful “samba schools” competitions; Bahia has street parties to the sound of their local music genre which is axé; Pernambuco has a special kind of rhythm and dance called frevo. Those are just a few of the most famous states with Carnaval parties, but continuous celebration takes place in every city wherever you go.
For those of you who have never heard of Carnaval it is most definitely worth checking out and for those of you who one day think of going to Brazil, this is a show you do not want to miss!